
Data Community Conference


November 26, 2024
from 9 am to 5.30 pm

in Bern, Welle 7

15 sessions, 2 keynotes
coffee breaks, lunch, apéro



The community that talks about...


Data Platforms & Data Infrastructure


It is sometimes challenging to make the right choices to get the most out of data. The options are numerous and the choice becomes even more complex in a context of fast-paced development and innovation. This event aims to provide a neutral and up-to-date view on various technologies and topics around data platforms and infrastructure. It is also an opportunity to bring the data community together as we are convinced that extended networks and group synergies have a great role to play in this field.


The field of data deals with many current challenges...
and there are more to come!


Join us for a full day focusing on the following topics:



Ivan Mariblanca Flinch
Fighting worldwide IT pollution | Sustainable IT | Green IT | Corporate Digital Strategy | Numérique Responsable

Green IT: opportunities and challenges for companies

Digital transformation is at the heart of every business. So are the challenges of sustainability. Digital pollution is growing exponentially. Sustainability challenges are increasingly ambitious.

In a context where digital and environmental strategies are often not aligned, how can IT strategies meet organizations' climate objectives?

The main challenge lies in understanding the problem. What is digital pollution? Is it that important for a company? For a service company, digital pollution can account for up to 40% of its total footprint.

As a result, over 100 companies in Europe are already on the road to Green IT and have been certified with the international Sustainable IT label.

In this keynote, we will take a closer look at what digital pollution is, what it means for companies, and what the first steps are in measuring digital impact and defining a Green IT strategy.

Ready to take the first step?

Gianni Ceresa
Analytics & EPM Consultant, Oracle ACE Director

Can the modern Frankenstein pass the Turing test? 

RAGs, GAI, LLMs etc are all the rage, but are they any good at answering Database or SQL problems? Would you like to talk to Jonathan Lewis, Tim Hall ( or other Oracle Experts without actually talking to them? Well build and use RAG & LLM using different sources, and explore if it is as good as the Real Thing. 

Jean-Philippe Clapot
Technology Leader DevOps & Consultant at dbi services

Spotlight on your CI/CD Pipelines: Integrating security with SUSE NeuVector 

Coding is built, tested and deployed through CI/CD pipelines in a series of structured steps. However, bugs and vulnerabilities can exist anywhere. Fortunately, there are solutions available today that can help us reduce or, at most, mitigate these vulnerabilities. In this session, we will explore how you can integrate the SUSE security platform into your pipeline workflow. 

Nicolas Jardot
Principal Consultant Cloud at dbi services

Implement SSO to manage efficiently your users in the cloud 

It's very easy to deploy different tenants or applications in the cloud and it can become challenging to manage all the accesses. In this session, we will see how to implement a single sign-on strategy to manage your users effectively and securely across different accounts or applications. 

Dani Schnider and Andrea Kennel
Dani is Principal Oracle & DWH Consultant at Callista and Oracle ACE Director | Andrea is IT engineer ETH, board member and entrepreneur

Does ChatGPT write better SQL than human intelligence? 

ChatGPT can be a great help for programming, also in SQL. In this session we have a bunch of questions that we want to answer with SQL queries based on a given data structure. Andrea solves them with the help of ChatGPT, Dani uses his own brain. This way we can find out how to prompt ChatGPT to provide helpful code. We also will see how the code can be easily adapted to our own data. 

More about Andrea Kennel

More about Dani Schnider

David Diab and Dasha Wessely
David is Technology Leader Middleware and Senior Consultant at dbi services | Dasha is Partner Manager Switzerland & Austria at Elastic

Unlocking Data insight with Elasticsearch 

Global overview on Elastic Stack, Elasticsearch use cases, Dasha and David will show how Elastic can answer customers needs. 

More about David Diab

More about Dasha Wessely

Christian Das Neves

How Cyber Criminals and Malware Creators Protect Their Intellectual Property and Stolen Data 

In the ever-evolving domain of cybercrime, protecting intellectual property and stolen data has become a crucial priority for cyber criminals and malware creators. As cybersecurity defenses grow more sophisticated, these malicious actors continuously develop advanced strategies to safeguard their valuable assets from detection and recovery. 

Adi Hochmann
Partnerships Builder | Tech Advisor | Cloud Evangelist at Oracle

Data to GenAI made easy: Overcoming the Challenge to Become a Data-Driven Organization 

In the quest to become data-driven, organizations often face significant challenges in managing and analyzing large volumes of data, extracting real-time insights, and integrating advanced AI and machine learning capabilities. These challenges can hinder timely decisionmaking, reduce operational efficiency, and limit innovation. This session tackles these critical issues and illustrates how Oracle HeatWave supports organizations overcome these obstacles. We will focus on the entire journey from data gathering to lightning-fast analytics & real-time insights, advanced machine learning capabilities and Generative AI, enabling organizations to become truly data-driven. 

Jérôme Dubar
Senior Consultant at dbi services

Delphix - Continuous Data for your Databases

Continuous Data is the database virtualization tool from Delphix. It helps reducing storage costs, speeding up test/dev databases' provisioning and it proposes Self-Service data flow. Let's find out how it works. 

Jimmy Angelakos and Floor Drees
Jimmy is Systems & Database Architect, PostgreSQL contributor | Floor is Head of Education at Tembo

How to work with other people... the example of the PostgreSQL community 

Lack of awareness around Mental Health issues has always been a problem in IT circles, leading often to unnecessary stress, burnout and strained relationships with colleagues and employers. This in turn can lead to employee churn for companies and strife within open source projects. 

More about Floor Drees

More about Jimmy Angelakos

Hendrik Walter
Managing Director at avency

Effective and secure use of generative AI in the enterprise: Practical examples and solutions with the Secure AI Broker 


Generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT and DALL-E offer great potential for increasing productivity. However, they also pose challenges related to privacy, security, and effective implementation. This session presents a practical solution that addresses these issues. 

Using the Secure AI Broker, we will show how interfaces in conjunction with a DLP solution can ensure high privacy, data security, and technology openness. A concrete use case will illustrate how these technologies can automate tasks, reduce workload, and meet the highest security standards. Technically savvy attendees will gain insight into the architecture and implementation of generative AI solutions and experience how technical challenges can be creatively solved. 

Borys Neselovskyi
Senior Sales Engineer at EDB & Oracle ACE Alumni

PostgreSQL in Kubernetes: Operation - Day 2 

The talk will address the important issues of running a database (in our case - PostgreSQL) in the Kubernetes environment: 1. Choosing the right storage for the database. 2. Database patching. 3. High availability and geo-redundancy are very important in the database environment. 

loannis Loukaidis
Senior Specialist Solution Architect at Red Hat

Running Virtual Machines on Openshift Virtualization 


Red Hat® OpenShift® Virtualization, a feature of Red Hat OpenShift, enables IT teams to run virtual machines (VMs) alongside containers on the same platform, simplifying management and shortening time to production. 

With OpenShift Virtualization, VM administrators can incorporate VMs into containerized workflows by running a VM within a container on KVM, where they can deploy and manage VMs alongside containers - all on a unified platform. In this presentation you will learn how to create, configure and run VM's on OpenShift® Virtualization. What requirements for storage, network and migration are needed and how to properly setup OpenShift® bare-metal. You will see the whole platform in action to get a feeling on how to run VM’s. 

André Delafontaine
Founder of the Genius Life Academy

Mental health: predicting and measuring accidents andrecoveries 


Mental health and its matching pendants of motivation and productivity are primesubjects in today's workplace, and this even more so in a post-COVID era. 

While this subject is often talked about in private and more rarely in public circles, it is oftenmanaged in an unmeasuredand unscientific approach. 

In a conference like this, I would like to propose a structured, measurable and repeatable way to tackle these issues. 

After discovering my personal journey, we will learn and use a full toolset and its outcomes to be able tomeasure each workplace. 

About us

We believe that data is best understood and managed when knowledge and experience are shared. The Data Community Conference is born from that belief.  We aim at fostering synergies and inspiring the community around data platforms and infrastructures. Because Data rules! 


The event is powered by Sequotech.




the group is made successful by :








Partners 2024


Platinum partner


Infomaniak’s mission is to contribute to Europe’s technological independence with ethical cloud solutions that make no compromises when it comes to ecology or privacy.

We are a service provider that develops collaborative tools as well as cloud hosting, streaming, marketing and event management solutions.



Open technology built for change
Red Hat delivers hardened, open source solutions that make it easier for enterprises to work across platforms and environments, from the core datacenter to the network edge. By operating transparently and responsibly, we continue to be a catalyst in open source communities, helping you build flexible, powerful IT infrastructure solutions.



Gold Partner


SUSE is a global leader in open-source solutions, relied upon by more than 60% of the Fortune 500 to power their mission-critical workloads. The company behind Rancher, NeuVector and SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), SUSE collaborates with partners and communities to empower customers to innovate everywhere –nfrom the data center to the cloud.


Silver partner

Dbvisit's StandbyMP software delivers enterprise-class Disaster Recovery for Oracle SE, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL databases, ensuring database uptime.Their affordable product simplifies standby deployment and maintenance whether on-premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid arrangement.


Media Partner


The main goal of the company is to bring more transparency, openness and diversity to the Swiss IT market.

SwissDevJobs is not only for Developers but for everyone working in the IT industry: Engineers, SAP and System Admins, Product Managers, QAs and UX/UI Designers! 

Become a partner

of the Data Community Conference 2024

We are thrilled to invite you to become a valued partner of our upcoming event, where we bring together data enthusiasts to explore the latest trends and innovations in the data landscape. As we continue to grow and make a significant impact in the data community, your support can play a pivotal role in shaping the success of this event.

Members of the Sequotech Group have an impressive track record in terms of tech events. However, the Data Community Conference stands out, as it caters to an influential audience comprising IT technicians, IT managers, decision-makers, and IT students. We expect a dynamic gathering with approximately 100 attendees for this third edition.


Why Partners Matter



Let's gather in Bern!

Location & premises

The premises of Welle 7 are located right next to Bern's main train station. Participants of the event can either travel by public transport or by car.

By train: 2-minute walk from the station

By car: 2-minute walk from the SBB main train station parking lot




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